Weekdays til 5 pm
$4.00 per game per person
$ 2 shoe rental
Nights, Weekends & Hoildays
$4.50 per game per person
$ 2 shoe rental
Seniors 60 & Over
Weekdays til 5 pm: $3.50/game/person
Nights, Weekends & Holidays: $4.00/game/person
*Lanes for Open Bowling are First Come First Serve, No Reservations.
*All Times are subject to change, you can call ahead (412) 366-4800, for exact times and lane availability.
*Times Not Listed Are League Play Only.
Current Open Bowling Times:
Monday - 1pm - 5pm
Tuesday - 9am - 11am,
& 3pm - 5pm
Wednesday - 1pm - 5pm
Thursday - 1pm - 5pm
Friday - 3pm - 5pm
Saturday - 12pm - 5pm
Sunday - (March 23rd) - No Open Lanes
(March 30th) - 3pm - 5pm